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Most people obtain their polygraph "knowledge" from researching the internet, watching television. There have been a number of talk and reality shows as well as soapies and dramas that portray a polygraph test being done. In reality it would never be accurate to conduct a test in front of an audience or live air. In most cases these are staged for the audience and for effect.
Here are some things you should know about polygraphs and why they are often not reliable when done for television / Media:
Are polygraph tests on television real?
Sometimes they are, but most of the time they are not. When a highly qualified examiner conducts polygraphs for television, the exams are done off-camera before the show and can take several hours. The examiner may then may re-enact a small portion of the exam for the audience, so what you see is never an actual polygraph test.
We have often had appearances on radio, TV and movies / film. This is done for general public information and awareness and perhaps for the effect in a scene.